Best AI Detector Online

Analyze multiple sources of text and detect if it's AI-generated text

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AI Detector
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Create undetectable 🤖 AI content
Humanize AI Text

Detect AI-Generated Content Across 8+ Models

AI Detection Made Simple

AI content detector is an accurate and fast content analysis tool that can be used to detect any machine-generated content. You just need to copy and paste the content into the text field for detailed analysis.

💡Notice: Content generated by AI can impact search engine results, academic evaluations, and the impressions of readers. In today's digital landscape, discerning the true origin of content has become increasingly vital.

That’s why we recommend using Monica AI Detector. Our tool is capable of detecting content generated by over 8 of the most advanced AI models, with an impressive 98% detection accuracy. It can analyze text created by models such as ChatGPT, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, LLaMa, and other large language models (LLMs).
Check your text, essay or paper content for Now!

How to Pass an AI Detector?



Copy any text (essay, paper, blog, etc.) that you need to detect and paste it into the text box.


AI detector will automatically check content.


You can modify the tone or word of AI content to make it look more humanlike.

Why Monica is the Best AI Content Detector?

98% Accurate AI Integration

Monica combines the power of ZeroGPT, GPTZero, and Copyleaks AI content detectors. This integration provides the best AI detectors in one platform, allowing you to detect AI text with unparalleled accuracy.
try AI content detector now

AI Text into Human-like Writing

Not only does our AI free detector identify AI-generated content, but it also offers rewriting capabilities. Convert AI-written text into human-like writing to enhance authenticity and readability.
try AI humanizer

Why Should You Detect AI Content?

Authentic Detection Data
Unlike many tools on the market that rely on fabricated datasets, our system uses real-time API calls for every analysis. This guarantees that your detection and rewriting results are based on genuine, up-to-date data.
Multilingual Precision
Our detection models are specifically trained to excel in analyzing content written in English, Spanish, and other widely-used languages. With advanced linguistic understanding, we ensure accurate results regardless of the language.
Cost-Effective & User-Friendly
To help new users experience the power of our AI detection tool, we offer free trial credits. This allows you to explore our features at no cost and see the value we bring before committing.
Avoid Penalties
Google may penalize websites with low-quality or repetitive content, leading to lower rankings. You can safeguard against this risk by using automated text detector.
Maintain Credibility
It helps maintain authenticity in the eyes of consumers if they believe a human rather than AI generated content.
Enhance Content Quality
For AI-generated content, you can use Monica Writing Agent feature to easily make it more humanlike by chat with GPT.

What Do Users Say About Monica AI Detector?

Monica is the best AI detector I've ever used. It helps me detect AI text effortlessly, ensuring my work remains authentic.👏👏👏
Evangeline Harper
The AI paper detector from Monica allows me to maintain academic integrity by identifying AI-generated assignments!!
Mr. Johnson
As an editor, Monica's ai detector text tool streamlines my workflow by highlighting AI-generated content quickly.
Monica's ai free detector is a game-changer.😂 I can check my papers with the best free AI detector before submitting them.
With Monica ai generated detector, I ensure my blog posts are original. It's truly the best AI detector online.
Seraphina Caldwell

Rewrite AI Content to Undetectable

Our advanced bypass tool converts content created by ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, and other AI models into text that scores as 98% human. The results are seamless, nuanced, and indistinguishable from human writing. Experience the transformation for yourself!
Claude 3.5
Gemini 1.5
Claude 3.5
Gemini 1.5


Frequently Asked Questions about Monica AI Detector

What AI detection models have Monica integrated?
We currently integrated 3 AI detection models, including GPTZero, CopyLeaks, and ZeroGPT, so the detection accuracy is as high as 98%.
Who benefits from the AI detector?
Students and educators, bloggers, content writers, freelancers, SEO specialist and everyone will find Monica AI detector is a very useful solution to detect originality.
What are the problems with AI-generated content?
Using AI-generated content, there can be a number of problems, such as quality concerns and possible plagiarism, so you may be penalized by Google for lowering your site's ranking. At the same time, it will also cause a flood of homogeneous information on the Internet.
How to get a high human score with an AI detector?
Just copy and paste to instantly know how much of your content is humanlike, then optimize the AI-generated content right away and you're ready to pass an AI detector.
Is Monica AI Content Detector free to use?
Yes, new users receive a free quota to use our AI detector free online. This allows you to experience our best free AI detector features before choosing to upgrade for more extensive use.
Can Monica AI Detector detect AI-generated papers and academic texts?
Absolutely. Our AI paper detector is designed to detect AI-generated content in academic papers, essays, and assignments, helping educators maintain academic integrity.
Does Monica offer rewriting services for AI-generated content?
Yes, after detecting AI-generated text, our platform can help rewrite it to appear as if it was written by a human, enhancing the natural flow and tone of your content.