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All-in-One AI Assistant
Personal, Fast & Free

Monica is an all-in-one AI assistant equipped with the most advanced AI models (GPT-4, Claude 3, Gemini, etc.) to help you Chat, Search, Write, Translate and more.

Desktop & Mobile App

All-in-One AI Assistant

AI Chat
AI Summary
AI Writer
AI Search
AI Translator
AI Art
Bot Platform
Chat with all of the best models in one place.

Useful Everywhere

AI Sidebar

One-click to access all AI features from any web page.

Available on All Platforms

Chat with your favorite assistant from browser, desktop and mobile phone.

Smart Toolbar

Seamlessly Explain, Translate or Summarize any text you select.

Writing Assistant

Draft, rewrite or improve text content on any web page.

Web Enhance

Display AI answer alongside search engine results.

Works For Professionals

Customer Service

AI Market Intelligence

AI automatically conducts deep searches, intelligently organizes competitor dynamics, and accurately analyzes industry hot trends.

AI Strategy Assistant

Automatically gathers key information, deeply interprets industry directions, deconstructs complex challenges, and anticipates market shifts.

AI Summary

AI intelligently summarizes vast amounts of information, including contracts, meeting minutes, and news, and engages in in-depth document dialogues.

AI Email Assistant

AI automatically filters and summarizes unread emails, intelligently contextualizes, and generates appropriate responses with a single click.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Monica?
Monica is a chrome extension powered by ChatGPT API, designed to be your personal Al assistant for effortless chatting and copywriting.
How can I use Monica?
Simply hit Cmd+M or Ctrl+M and start chatting with her. Or let Monica help you compose and insert text into any web page. Choose from over 80 templates to quickly generate marketing copy. Select a text in web page and let Monica explain, translate, rephrase for you.
Is Monica free?
You can start using Monica for free. Free users have a daily usage limit. However, for advanced features, you may need to upgrade to a paid version.
How does Monica work?
Monica uses advanced artificial intelligence powered by ChatGPT API to understand and respond to your chat messages, as well as generate copywriting based on the templates provided. Additionally, Monica can translate, rephrase and explain text on any web page.

Unleash your true potential
Get Monica Now!

Desktop & Mobile App
Monica 4.0 - Chat, search, read, write and translate with AI | Product Hunt