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Quick Ask

How to use Quick Ask

Quick Ask is designed to offer a lighter and less burdensome user experience while accessing consulting services from Monica AI. This guide will walk you through the steps of utilizing Quick Ask, aiming to illuminate the application process and enhance your experience across different scenarios.

What is Quick Ask?

It is a shortcut feature to activate AI consulting, AI web search and open target websites instantly with just one-time press.

How to Use Quick Ask?

Command/Ctrl+J to activate, using the , arrow keys to switch between several different modes:

  • Ask AI: Simply tell your question to AI, and let AI quickly answer for you

Press Command/Ctrl+J, and you can try to have Monica plan a trip to Japan for you.

1. make me a travel plan to Tokyo for visiting cherry blossom


Allow Monica to effortlessly create a travel itinerary for you with a single click, guaranteeing you'll experience all the key attractions and manage your time effectively. Simply immerse yourself in the joy and relaxation of your journey, free from the stress of planning.

  • AI Search: Your question will be handed over to Monica Search for in-depth searching

Press Command/Ctrl+J, and using , to switch to AI Search, let it solve your mathematical question. qasksearch1 qasksearch2

Now, for any question you have, Monica not only provides a simplified quick answer but also offers a Pro Search mode. In this mode, you can receive super in-depth answers and research on derivative questions. It works like this: Monica will delve into the content of multiple web pages, attempting to find answers that are helpful to you. Moreover, AI will also try to pose related questions around your research topic and expand on the research and answers, giving you the most comprehensive research report from a single search.

  • Instant Open: In this mode, typing "Wikipedia" prompts Monica to directly open the Wikipedia page, bypassing search steps

About sending an email by Gmail, why not tap in 'Gmail' yourself and have a go? qaskinstant1 qaskinstant2

We also have found a way to expand your using scenario of this while reading. Check this out:

Quick Ask for Browsing


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