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🚀 Monica 5.2.4: GPT-4o is Now Available

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Performance and Efficiency Improvements

GPT-4o has undergone improvements in algorithm optimization and computational efficiency. When using the language model for large-scale text generation or analysis, it can achieve faster response times.

Enhanced Understanding and Generation Capabilities

There have also been enhancements in the quality of language understanding and generation with GPT-4o. It can more accurately comprehend complex language structures and contexts, producing text that is more fluid and natural, with reduced instances of awkward phrasing and inaccuracies.

Improved Multilingual Support

GPT-4o has enhanced support for multiple languages, better handling non-English texts, and improving the accuracy of multilingual text generation and understanding.

You can find more information about GPT-4o on this OpenAI blog.

Web Summary Optimization

The web summary feature has now been fine-tuned to adapt to articles of varying lengths, capable of generating higher quality summaries.