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Creating PowerUP

PowerUP is an innovative AI feature launched by Monica, designed to be your capable web assistant. We not only offer preset PowerUP but also allow you to customize your own PowerUP, creating dedicated intelligent assistants for frequently used webpages to meet specific needs. You can share these self-created PowerUP with friends or publish them to the PowerUP Center, benefiting more users.

Creating Standard Web Tool

AI-Assisted Creation

  1. Initiate the Creation Process a. Click the "+" in the Monica icon area b. Or click the "+ New" button in the top right corner of the PowerUP Bar interface

  2. Select Tool Type:In the "Create New Tool" pop-up window, choose the "Standard Web Tool" option

  3. Describe Your Requirements a. Provide a detailed description of your needs and ideas in the input box b. Click "Quick Create", and Monica will generate a standard web tool for you

  4. Edit a. In the "Create New Tool" interface, review the detailed configuration information and make flexible edits b. If you need to edit the detailed configuration information, please refer to the "Manual Mode"

  5. Complete Creation:After confirming everything is correct, click the "Create" button in the bottom right corner to save

  6. Use and Access a. The created tool will be automatically saved and appear in your "PowerUP bar" b. You can pin it to the Monica icon area for quick access next time

Manual Creation

  1. Initiate the Creation Process a. Click the "+" in the Monica icon area b. Or click the "+ New" button in the top right corner of the PowerUP bar interface

  2. Select Tool Type:In the "Create New Tool" pop-up window, choose the "Standard Web Tool" option

  3. Choose Creation Mode a. Scroll to the bottom of the "Create New Tool" pop-up window, click the "Manual Configuration" button

  4. Fill in Basic Information a. Set the tool avatar, name, and description

  5. Specify Application Websites:The application scope of the Standard Web Tool can be flexibly set according to your needs: a. Support use on all websites:In this mode, the tool will appear in the "PowerUP bar" or "Monica icon area" when you visit any webpage b. Only usable within specified range:In this mode, the tool will only appear when you visit websites/URLs added to the applicable range i. Can use pre-prepared common website options ii. Can configure URLs yourself, supporting the use of wildcards (such as

  6. Choose Web Content Extraction Mode a. Full-page extraction mode:Automatically captures and analyzes all visible content of the entire webpage b. Area selection mode:Allows manual selection of specific areas on the webpage as the tool's information source c. No web content mode:Does not read or process any webpage content, only executes preset prompt operations

  7. Write Prompts:Prompts are the operation instructions you set for the Standard Web Tool, used to guide AI on how to process information and generate responses a. Determine task objectives b. Construct prompt structure c. Provide specific instructions d. Set limitations or parameters e. Add contextual information f. Optimize and adjust

  8. More Advanced Settings: a. Additional information collection:Allows input of additional information each time the tool is used b. Preferred model selection:Choose the AI model the tool prioritizes c. Available skills configuration:Grant specific abilities to the Standard Web Tool d. Reply language settings:Set the tool's response language

  9. Publication Settings:Choose the public scope of the tool a. Publicly publish to the plaza b. Share only via link c. Visible only to yourself

  10. Multi-language Configuration:Select the languages you want to support, click the button for one-click translation

  11. Complete Creation:After confirming everything is correct, click the "Create" button in the bottom right corner to save

  12. Use and Access: a. The created tool will be automatically saved and appear in your "PowerUP bar" b. You can pin it to the Monica icon area for quick access next time

Creating Mini Applications

  1. Initiate the Creation Process a. Click the "+" in the Monica icon area b. Or click the "+ New" button in the top right corner of the PowerUP bar interface

  2. Select Tool Type:In the "Create New Tool" pop-up window, choose the "Mini Application" option

  3. Fill in Creation Requirements: a. Set the mini application name and description b. Or select an existing mini application to start a remix

  4. Complete Creation: After confirming everything is correct, click the "Save" button in the bottom right corner

  5. Use and Access: You can select "Created Artifacts" above the chat box on the homepage, then click "Saved Artifacts" to find all your saved creations