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Reading the Webpage You're Browsing

Anywhere on the web, simply click the book icon at the top of the chat interface, on the browser's sidebar, or the "Read this page" above the Read view, and for longer articles, the "Summarize" on the right. This prompts Monica to thoroughly read the current page and generate a summary for you. Engage in conversation with Monica for a more comprehensive understanding of the page's content.

Read this Page

Read this Page

In the Read interface, simply paste a URL into the input box and let the AI analyze the text content of the web page to answer your questions.

Chat with Link

Reading Uploaded PDFs

Click "Upload" on the Chat or Read pages, or hit "Chat with PDF" above the chat box to let Monica digest and summarize PDF content. Chat further with the PDF and Monica will offer AI-powered answers to your specific questions.

Chat with PDF

Chat with PDF

While responding to your inquiries, ChatPDF also displays the source of the referenced content, assisting you in verifying the accuracy of the answers. By clicking on the corresponding number, your page will navigate to the specific section and highlight the quoted material for your review.

Highlight Source

Reading Uploaded Images or Screenshots

When you save images on your computer, simply hit "Upload" on the Chat or Read page, select "Chat with image" above the chat input box, or drag and drop the saved images right into the chat pane. This lets Monica dive into the content of your images and start a conversation with you.

Drag to Upload

Drag to Upload

Simply click the "Screenshot" button on the sidebar of your browser, or above the chat input field, to start conversing with Monica or to perform various actions on your screenshots.

Chat with Screenshot