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Start Chatting with AI

Simply click on Monica's icon, and you're ready to chat with Monica AI. Powered by cutting-edge LLM technology, Monica can answer just about anything, drawing from a vast pool of knowledge.

Start chatting with AI

In Monica, tweaking a question or generating a new response is just a click away. Simply hover your mouse over the question box and select "Edit question" to make changes, or hit "Answer Again" for a fresh take crafted by the AI.

Edit Question

Answer Again

Keep in mind: Chats initiated by either of these two methods will be archived under the same conversation title in your chat history.

Creating Images through Conversation

Monica not only converses with you but also integrates the DALL·E 3 system to create images on demand. Just tell Monica what kind of picture you want in the chat box, and it'll activate its image-making magic.

Image Creating

Share Your Chat History

Click the "Share Conversation" button in the "Chat Settings" above the text box to share a link to this conversation with friends.

Share Conversation

Search Your Chat History

In the toolbar of the chatbox, just click the History icon to view your chat history. Moreover, all your conversations with AI are automatically saved. The AI cleverly generates conversation titles based on your chat content, allowing you to perform keyword searches using those titles.


Start Voice Interaction

To start voice recognition with Monica, simply click the "Voice Input" button below the chat box. Monica will then listen and transcribe what you say. Click the icon again or press ESC to stop the voice input.

Voice Input

Click on "Chat Setting" above the input field to turn on "Voice Response," and Monica will read the replies out loud for you.

Voice Response

Instant Access to GPT-4 & Web Access

Simply click the "GPT-4V" button below the input field to switch Monica's responses to the GPT-4V mode for her forthcoming replies. Moreover, you can hit the "Ask Web&GPT-4" after any AI response to prompt GPT-4 to regenerate an answer to your last question.

Ask Web&GPT-4

Supported AI Models and How to Switch Between Them

Monica offers a range of AI chatbots including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Bard, Claude, as well as specialized helpers like the PowerPoint Outline Generator, Meeting Summary Assistant, and SWOT Analysis Tool. Just click the Monica icon in the bottom left corner of the homepage to switch between different AI models. When you shift to a new AI model, the previous one keeps running in the background, ready for you to switch back at any moment.

All Bots

Supported Formats for AI-Generated Content

Monica is designed not just to create plain text but also to craft content in specialized formats such as Markdown syntax, tables, code snippets, and mathematical equations.

Supported Formats

Utilizing the Prompt Library

Crafting Prompt

  1. Click on the prompt library in the bottom-left corner of the chat box.

  2. Click +.

  3. Opt for personalized prompt or public ones.

Prompt Library

Private Prompt

  1. Enter the prompt name and content, then save.

Public Prompt

  1. Enter the prompt's name and details, optionally describe, and choose its language and type.

  2. Save your work and wait for it to be reviewed by both AI and human editors.

Notes for Attention

  • Please use punctuation correctly, as improper use may affect the user experience with prompt features.

  • In the brackets [ ], please type in a description to guide users on what they should enter in this field.

Notes for Attention

Using Prompt

  1. Click on the prompt library at the bottom left of the dialogue box, or press the shortcut key / to expand it.

  2. Select your output language and fill in the information in the expanded input box.

Using Prompt

Public Prompt

Public prompts are contributions from users that have passed both AI and manual checks to ensure quality for everyone's reference. If you come across a prompt that benefits you, you can hit "Favorite" on its right to add it to your "My Prompts" collection.

Public Prompt