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1. What are Artifacts?


  • Artifacts allow you to independently display content generated from your conversations with Monica, such as websites, charts, code snippets, and more. You can preview artifacts in a separate window next to your conversation in real-time, and flexibly edit and adjust the content using natural language.

When to Create Artifacts?

  • When you need Monica to generate important and relatively complex content, typically exceeding 15 lines.
  • When you need Monica to generate standalone, reusable content that you might need to reference or edit multiple times outside the conversation.

Common Examples of Artifacts

  • Code snippets
  • Websites (single-page HTML)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) images
  • Charts and flow diagrams
  • Interactive React components

How Do I Use Artifacts?

When Monica creates an artifact for you, you can see the content being generated in real-time in a separate window next to the main chat box. Through real-time preview, you can flexibly edit and adjust the artifact content using natural language. Key points to understand when using artifacts:

  • You can ask Monica to edit or modify the content, and these changes will be directly updated and displayed in the Artifact window. Adding or editing operations will not affect Monica's original memory of the Artifact content.
  • You can also switch models by clicking the bottom left corner of the chat. Artifacts are a complex feature, and using different models may yield different results. It is recommended to use Claude 3.5 Sonnet.
  • Monica may update an existing artifact based on your messages. The artifact window will refresh and display the latest content.
  • You can view artifacts, and save, copy, or download them for easy use outside the conversation. This can be done by clicking the top right corner of the artifact window.
  • If you wish to disable artifact generation in any conversation, you can turn off "Craft Artifacts" in the "Chat Skills" settings.

2. Publishing and Recreating Artifacts

In Monica, Artifacts are a powerful content creation feature. You can elevate your creations to a new level by publicly publishing your original artifacts or recreating others' shared artifacts. This guide will help you understand how to publish artifacts and how to recreate other shared artifacts.

How to Publish Artifacts

Publishing artifacts will make them publicly visible, allowing others to view and recreate your content. Here are the specific steps:

  1. Open the artifact you want to publish.
  2. Confirm the version of the artifact you want to make public.
  3. Click the publish button in the bottom right corner.

Important Note: When you publish an artifact, any visible content and associated code of the artifact will be made public. Please ensure you are willing to share this content before publishing.

Effects After Publishing

  • Once you publish an artifact, you will receive a public link to your work, which you can share on your personal website or social media platforms.
  • Only the artifact itself will be published. Publishing an artifact will not make your conversations with Monica or other background information public.
  • If you update the artifact, the new version will not be automatically published. You need to publish each new version separately.
  • Older versions of the artifact will not be published by default unless you have specifically published them before.

Viewing Published Artifacts

When someone accesses your publicly published artifact:

  1. They will view your artifact in a secure environment, ensuring a risk-free browsing experience.
  2. The artifact will appear similar to how you view it in Monica, but others will not be able to edit it directly. This protects your original content while allowing them to fully appreciate your creation.

Recreating Published Artifacts

Recreating artifacts allows you to create and modify based on existing public artifacts. Here are the specific steps:

  1. When you browse a publicly published artifact, find the "Recreate" button.
  2. Clicking this button will start a new conversation with Monica based on the artifact. You can modify the artifact or interact with it.

Note: If you haven't used the artifact feature before, clicking "Recreate" will automatically enable this feature for your account. Similarly, if you do not currently have a Monica account, you will be prompted to register for a Monica account.

What Happens When You Recreate Artifacts

  • A new conversation will be created in Monica.
  • The content of the original artifact will be added to your conversation with Monica.
  • You can modify, expand, or use the artifact as inspiration for your own creations.

Canceling Publication and Privacy Protection

  • You can cancel the publication of any version of an artifact at any time. Simply return to the conversation in Monica where that version was created and select "Cancel".
  • Publishing or canceling the publication of one version of an artifact does not affect other versions.

3. Artifacts in Widget Mode

Artifacts support a widget mode, offering a more streamlined and lightweight user experience.

Here’s how to use artifacts in widget mode:

  • In widget mode, the simplified page design allows you to conveniently use various lightweight tools, such as calculators, timers, and world clocks, on Pany webpage.
  • Monica remembers the size and position of the artifact window on each webpage, ensuring an optimal user experience.
  • Through "Settings" - "Continue editing" you can return to the conversation to view or continue adjusting the artifact to meet your needs.
  • When using starred artifacts, the widget mode offers you a more flexible and convenient user experience.

Tip: Widgets are currently only supported in Monica’s sidebar mode.